
Property Report

Accurate residential property valuations, instantly.

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Our detailed valuation report for a residential property uses the same highly-accurate automated valuation tool that’s trusted by major mortgage lenders. Get the information you need to make informed buying and selling decisions.

Want to find out more?

Contact our partner nearmap to buy a report or view a sample.

Make smarter decisions

Whether you’re buying or selling, you’ll be in a better negotiating position with accurate valuation and local market information at your fingertips. The Property Report includes Hometrack’s valuation, plus market analysis and recent sales data.

Accurate and trusted

Although there is a lot of free information available online, the Hometrack valuation is demonstrably more accurate. It’s based on the system trusted by the major mortgage lenders and includes background information on previous transactions for that property, plus details of local comparables.

Why you might need a property valuation

  • Set the right price when you sell your home
  • Negotiate a better price when you buy a property
  • Insurance quotations
  • Inheritance tax planning